Introduction - Recruitment and Selection Process

Pick Recruitment Selection Select Man Hr Employee Comments - Hand Pick

(, 2022)

Every business that wants to grow, needs to hire talented workers regularly. If an organization hired the wrong person, it would lead to a loss of money, efficiency, and an unpleasant atmosphere among other colleges (Sutherland and Wöcke, 2011). Hiring the correct person will lead to competency within colleges, increase efficiency, reduce costs and enhance the organization's reputation (Ennis, 2002). This blog's primary purpose is to understand recruitment and selection and the steps. Subsequent blogs will discuss the topics in detail. 

For many organizations, skillful employees are the prime source of competitive edge (As Stone, Cox and Gavin, 2021). Wrong hiring will lead to a Productivity Impact that will drain the organization's resources and a Qualitative Impact that will destroy the company's productive culture. It will damage business reputation among suppliers and customers. It will lower the morale and commitment of co-workers. For managers, frequent workflow interruptions to assess their staff will impact their subsequent achievements. Correcting wrong hiring will be costly. Even if it is possible to dismiss the newly hired employee with or without additional cost, appointment costs have already been incurred. There will be additional costs with the time to make new appointments (Dale, 2003).

Suitable recruitment is essential for every organization, especially when there is a demand for the job. Finding the right employees for the right roles at the right time will ensure that the workforce has the relevant skills and talents for the organization's current and future needs. Resourcing is not only about filling an immediate vacancy. It is about impacting the business's long-term success (CIPD, 2021).

New research from CareerBuilder shows that hiring the wrong person can seriously affect companies. More than half of employers in each of the ten largest world economies said that a bad hire has negatively impacted their business, pointing to a significant loss in revenue or productivity or challenges with employee morale and client relations (CareerBuilder, 2013).

Even with many job candidates competing for a small number of openings, companies often have trouble finding the right person for each position. Based on a survey more than half of the responding firms reported that while they had plenty of applications, the "quality of candidates" was lacking (Kurtz and Boone, 2011).

Recruitment is a process of attracting individuals who might meet defined job specifications (Bach, 2005). Recruitment is finding the right person at the right time for the right job according to their skills and qualifications (Bhuntel and Rathee ,2017). According to Armstrong (2009, p.515) 'Recruitment is the process of finding and engaging the people the organization needs.'

It is an essential exercise for the HR department and line managers who are involved in the selection process. Everyone involved in recruitment must have the knowledge and experience to make effective and fair recruitment decisions. The length and complexity of the recruitment process will vary depending on an organization’s size and resources (CIPD, 2021).

According to Armstrong and Taylor (2014, p. 226) 'Selection is that part of the recruitment process concerned with deciding which applicants or candidates should be appointed to jobs.' Selection is much more than just choosing the best candidate. Instead, it tries to find the correct balance between what the applicant is capable of, what he desires to do and what the organization needs (Gupta and Kumar, 2014).

Recruitments can be categorized broadly under two headings as Internal and External recruitments (Stone, Cox and Gavin, 2021). The pros and Cons of Internal and External recruitment sources showed in the below figure 1.0.

  FIGURE 1.0      Recruitment (internal versus external sources)

Source: (Stone, Cox and Gavin, 2021).

Depending upon the size of the company, the task of recruiting qualified employees may fall on the human resources office staff or for smaller companies, hiring new employees may fall on the particular department needing new employees (Lepark and Gowan, 2009). Because employee turnover costs can prove to be quite costly, companies must take the time and the steps necessary to hire employees that will be able and willing to make a long-term contribution to the company. It is important for an organization to have a systematic recruitment and selection process (Armstrong, 2009).

Recruitment and selection can be defined by 10 stages (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014).


1 Defining requirements.

2 Attracting candidates.

3 Sifting applications.

4 Interviewing.

5 Testing.

6 Assessing candidates.

7 Obtaining references.

8 Checking applications.

9 Offering employment.

10 Following up.

The candidates will find out more about the employer during the recruitment process. Then, the candidate will consider if it is where he would like to work in the future. First impressions matter most; the process should be transparent, convenient and impartial for all contenders. Flexibility and work-life balance are likely to be essential considerations. In a digital age where candidates can share their experiences online, inefficient, poorly designed recruitment processes can negatively impact the employer's brand and the ability to attract candidates in the future (CIPD, 2021).

The recruitment process has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. One significant impact is the increased use of technology in recruitment, improving the speed of processes and quality of hires (CIPD, 2021).

I am working for a leading ERP consulting company with global offices. As a multinational company that operates around many countries, priority goes to internal recruitment. It will lead to cultural diversity among the employees and motivation to work smarter to achieve their career goals, ultimately supporting the organization's reputation and efficiency. In addition, referral systems are available for external candidates, and new talent acquisition will be based on the company's recruitment plan.


Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. 13th ed. London,UK: Kogan Page Limited.

Armstrong, M., 2009. Armstrong's HANDBOOK OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PRACTICE. 11th ed. London,UK:

Bach, S., 2005. Managing Human Resources: Personnel Management in Transition. 4th ed. Victoria,AU: Blackwell Publishing.

Bhuntel, R. and Rathee, R., 2017. Benefits, Challenges and Impact of e-Recruitment.,. 2021. Recruitment: an introduction. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 25 July 2022].

Dale, M., 2003. A Manager's Guide to Recruitment & Selection. 2nd ed. London:

Ennis,J.S., 2002. Manager's Pocket Guide to Interviewing and Hiring Top Performers. 1st ed. Amherst,USA and Canada: HRD Press Inc.

Gupta, A. and Kumar, S., 2014. A Study On Recruitment & Selection Process With Reference.,.

Kurtz, D. and Boone, L., 2011. Contemporary BUSINESS. 14th ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Lepark, D. and Gowan, M., 2009. Human Resource Management: Managing Employees For Competitive Advantage. 1st ed. Delhi. Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd.

Press Room | Career Builder. 2013. More Than Half of Companies in the Top Ten World Economies Have Been Affected By a Bad Hire, According to CareerBuilder Survey. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 July 2022].

Stone, R., Cox, A. and Gavin, M., 2021. Human resource management. 10th ed. John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

Sutherland, M and Wocke, A., 2011. The symptoms of and consequences to selection errors in recruitment decisions. South African Journal of Business Management, 42(4), pp.23-32., 2022. Pick Recruitment Selection Select Man Hr Employee Comments - Hand Pick Icon. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 July 2022].


  1. Well explained Asitha.
    SME sector is having difficulties when they are recruting and selecting capable staff to achive organizational goals.if they are having a well organized method for recruitment and selection process,the organization doesn't face to the above mentioned challenge Priyanath(2006).

    1. Thank you Kalana. Yes every hire is critical for SMEs. Limited time, resources and the competition from larger companies will make it more difficult. Not only should candidates be capable, but they should also be culturally fit. So interviewing is crucial when recruiting SMEs (Recruitment in SMEs | Podcasts| CIPD, 2015), which I will explain in my following blogs.

  2. well read Asitha, also noted from the book of Armstrong of 2017 -A person specification, also known as a recruitment
    or job specification, defines the knowledge, skills
    and abilities (KSAs) required to carry out the role,
    the types of behavior expected from role holders

    1. Thanks for the comment. Further mentioned by Armstrong and Taylor (2014) that it is not advisable to exaggerate the requirements. It is realistic to go for the best. However, setting an unrealistically high level for contenders will increase the problems of attracting applicants and create displeasure among recruits when they find their talents not being used.

  3. Recruitment is the process of discovering the sources of personnel needed to meet the staffing schedule's requirements and implementing effective strategies to attract that manpower in adequate amounts to enable the effective selection of an effective workforce. It aids in increasing the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visits made by qualified or overqualified job seekers. The process of selecting the best candidate from a pool of applications is known as selection (Kumar and Gupta, 2014).

    1. Thank you Virosha for the comments, An effective recruitment and selection program guarantees the right number of qualified employees to execute organizational strategic goals cost-effectively. In addition, a pool of qualified employees help in gaining a competitive edge by maintaining employees’ high level of performance and commitment. Therefore, each organization should adopt proper recruitment and selection plans and carefully practice those to place the right qualified employees in a suitable position for ensuring organizational effective performance and sustainability (Eva,2017).

  4. Recruitment and selection involves making predictions about future behaviour so that decisions can be made about who will be most suitable for a particular job. Predictions must always be couched in terms of probabilities because the future is unpredictable. However, informed judgements can be made (like actuaries deciding insurance premiums), rather than uninformed guesses (like crystal ball gazers). This requires a systematic process of assessment of both individual differences and organizational requirements. Traditionally, recruitment and selection has been viewed as a process by which the organization tries to accurately match the individual to the job and can be compared to completing a jigsaw puzzle. Recruitment and selection is a process of selecting the correct jigsaw piece (the ‘right’ individual) from the incorrect pieces (the ‘wrong’ individuals) to fit into a particular hole in a jigsaw puzzle (Bach, 2006).

    1. Good point Danushi, One of the most demanding and strategic organizational processes is efficiently hiring a qualified workforce. A complete study by the Boston Consulting Group has shown that the recruitment function has the most significant effect on companies' revenue growth and profit margins compared to any other function in the area of human resources. Poor recruitment judgments may lead not only to low-performing employees but also to increased turnover. Turnover may directly impact employee replacement costs and indirect effects, such as poor service to clients or a decline in employee morale. Thus, improving organizational recruitment by hiring the most suitable candidates significantly impacts organizational performance (Pessach et al., 2020).

  5. Well explained Asitha. Selection is a process of choosing the most suitable and qualified candidate for a particular position from a group of applicants.The main objective of the selection decision is to decide who can most successfully perform the job and be a great asset for an organization. Finding and putting a candidate in a position is an expensive process, therefore, it is important for a HR manager to be sure that a candidate is interested in the offered position and has the required qualifications and skills. (Rao, 2009) (Sarma, 2008)

    1. Organizations' progress depends on competitiveness, and success in any competition depends upon available resources, especially human resources. Therefore, all global organizations must hire the best competent and skilled employees in their catchment or resource area. Recruitment can identify as a sub-process within human resource management, while selection and staffing are the critical human capital development processes. Recruitment is the process of recognizing and attracting potential employees, whereas selection is the process of making decisions to select these employees though recruitment is considered the critical part of organizational human resource development (Poorangi,Razavi,Rahmani,2011).

  6. Hi Asitha, I would like to add some thought to your work. According to Karim et al (2021) many researchers have presented severe and profound knowledge of the recruitment and selection process of the organization. Recruitment determines the potential candidates for actual organizational vacancies. Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting qualified people to apply for job vacancies in the organization.

    1. In the operations of any organization, recruitment and selection is the primary function of the human resource department. Recruitment is the first step toward creating an organization's competitive advantage. The recruitment process involves methodical steps from sourcing the candidates to arranging and conducting the interviews and requires many resources and time (Sunday,Olaniyi, Mary,n.d).

  7. Well explain Asitha, The crucial goal of recruitment is attracting and retaining the right employee for the right position (Weeratunga, 2003). Most of the time this right person can be an internal candidate who has previous experience in the organization. However, utilizing external sources is inevitable if no candidates are available internally (O'Meara & Petzall, 2013).

    1. Recruitment is discovering and catching qualified or appropriate applicants to fill the vacant position. The recruitment process includes a systematic procedure from sourcing the candidates to orchestrating and leading the interviews and requires numerous resources and time. The methods and procedures used to understand jobs are called job analysis (Othman et al., 2011).

  8. Very well detailed on the process. I would like to share my thoughts on this. Recruitment is defined as searching for and obtaining potential job candidates in sufficient numbers and quality so that the organization can select the most appropriate people to fill its job needs. Selection is the process of gathering information for the purposes of evaluating and deciding who should be employed in particular jobs (Dowling et al., 1994)

    1. Hiring and keeping talent is a prerequisite for business organizations to cope with emerging challenges of the market. It is impossible to survive and grow in the market without a motivated and competent workforce.
      Therefore, organizations must be vigilant and careful in their recruitment decisions (Butt,Zeb,2016).

  9. Ideally the recruitment should ensure that for every position available in the firm, there a sufficient number of qualified applicants. These applicants should include both sex and various social groups. Such as minorities and disable groups. Especially for those larger organizations, recruitment is complex and continuing processes that demand extensive planning and effort (Mitiku, 2005)

    1. The possibility of racial discrimination in recruitment would reduce if application forms were sent anonymously. However, such practices can easily become open to ridicule. By the time the applicant's name, address, birth date, and place of education have been left off the application to address the risks of discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, age, religion, and social class-selectors may find themselves reduced to interviewing candidates behind a screen, and perhaps even through an interpreter so that their decisions cannot be affected by skin color, appearance, voice, or accent either (Mukhopadhyay et al.,2019).

  10. Recruitment is an vital process carried out under an organization's Human Resource management unit. This process aids in choosing the candidates most fitting for the specific job opportunity. It also helps possible candidates to apply for a job opportunity. The recruitment process focuses on attracting the maximum number of candidates to apply for a particular vacant work opportunity. On the other hand, the selection process is a vital process carried out before the recruitment procedure in an organization. This is a filtering process and helps select the suitable person from the applicants who have applied for the given job profile (Bhaumik,2018).


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